Eastern Languages and Literatures

Brief Information of our Department

Our department has been established in 2010. Admission of student started in 2016 and will give its first graduates in 2020.

Brief Information Regarding the Scientific Works and Research Activities of our Department

Our students will learn the most spoken language of the world and will gain the title of Sinologist by mastering Chinese literature, culture and history.

Academic Staff

Prof. Dr. Eyüp Sarıtaş
Dr. Feyzullah Uygur
Dr. Lale Aydın Tunç
Lecturer Chunyang Wang
Lecturer Dan Zheng

Information about education objectives, quotas, accreditation status, the prep class of the department at the undergraduate level

YKS: Foreign Language 2019 Quota:40+1 Ranking: 10.821. The department has Chinese Language Prep Class

How to apply Double Major and Minor Programs?

There are double major and minor programs in our department. Requirement: Grade of 70 and above is obtained from the Chinese proficiency exam held by the department.

Department's Student Club

Instagram account of our student club: iucindilikulubu

Graduate Education

There is no graduate program in our department yet, necessary studies are carried out.

Journals (published by Department)

“Journal of Istanbul University Oriental Studies” is an international refereed journal and it is published by Department of Eastern Languaged and Literatures twice a year.

Features that Distinguishes Our Department from Equivalent Departments

Our department is the only one which has Chinese Language Prep Class in Turkey and the language of our education is %100 Chinese. In addition, all of the preparatory training is provided by Chinese instructors 25 hours a week.

Business areas that our graduates can work and be involve

Graduate students can find opportunity to work in ministries, commercial companies, airline companies, tourism sector and translation offices. In addition to these, by training pedagogical formation, they can teach Chinese in private schools.

Admission Requirements to Undergraduate Programs for International Students

Foreign students are accepted to our department with İÜYÖS exam.

Brief Information of our Department

Start of Urdu Language education in Turkey dates back to 1915. The famous Indian nationalists Abdülcabbar and Abdussettar Hayri brothers leaving Beirut where they were in those days came to Hicaz and then came to Istanbul after the First World War, by declaring jihad, and started to work on behalf of the Ottoman secret service "Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa". Meanwhile, Abdülcabbar Hayri, Istanbul University, Faculty of Literature (Darülfünun) assigned as Urdu language teacher, and thus began journey of Urdu Language education in Turkey. In Turkey, the first phase of Urdu Language training, lost the First World War in 1918 and came to a standstill as the conquest of Istanbul. This department, which started to operate in two different department since 1963, continued its education in the fields of Arab Philology, Persian Philology and Pakistani Culture until the enactment of the Higher Education Law number 2547 in 1981, after Prof. Dr. Gulam Hüseyin Zülfikar, who was appointed by the Pakistani government in 1985, started to work at the Pakistani Culture Chair, and then Urdu was started as an elective course. The department, which was founded in 1994 under the name of Urdu Language and Pakistan Studies, has become today, taking the name of Urdu Language and Literature on 01.03.1999.

Academic Staff

Prof. Dr. Halil TOKER (Head of Department)
Prof. Dr. Celal SOYDAN
Doç. Dr. Durmuş BULGUR
Doç. Dr. Zekai KARDAŞ
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Arzu ÇİFTSÜREN
Dr. Öğr. Görevlisi Mohammad RASHID
Arş. Gör. Hatice GÖRGÜN
Arş. Gör. Onur KILIÇER
Arş. Gör. Muhsin Ramazan İŞSEVER

Project/Award etc. Achievements of Academics

Prof. Dr. Halil TOKER has been awarded the "Sitare-i Imtiyaz" (Government Honor Award) by the Pakistani Government.

Information about education objectives, quotas, accreditation status, the prep classifany of the department at the undergraduate level

Today, Urdu, which is the national language of Pakistani state and one of the official languages of India, has emerged with the mixture of local languages of the region and the languages such as Persian, Arabic and Turkish spoken by Muslim soldiers following the conquest of Turks in India. Speaking by hundreds of millions of people in different countries of the world, especially Pakistan and India, Urdu has been used as a language of literature and culture in Pakistan and India for centuries, and numerous works have been created in this field. The purpose of the department; to teach Urdu, intensely intensified with Turkish culture in the historical development process, and to train philologists who can research, examine, introduce and publish scientific methods in the common culture and written resources. Quota: 40, Accreditation: Preparation is going on, Prep class: No

How to apply Double Major and Minor Programs?

Every student who passes to second grade in our department has the right to make double major or minor in any department within the faculty. Students can choose every department that opens a quota in the faculty. In order to apply for double major, a minimum grade must be 3.00, and for minor the grade must be 2.50.

Department's Student Club

DODET: There is a club of the Department of Eastern Languages and Literatures, and it is actively used by Arab, Persian, Urdu, Chinese and Korean students in the Eastern Languages.

Graduate Education

There are master's and doctorate programs in our department and currently we have 2 master's and 4 doctoral students.
Foreign language, ales score and graduation mark are required to apply for postgraduate education.

Exchange Programs

Although there is no Erasmus program available at the moment, an agreement is planned for the coming years.

Journals (published by Department)

Our department has the Journal of ŞARKİYAT. It publishes a new issue every 6 months. https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/iusarkiyat

Features that Distinguishes Our Department from Equivalent Departments

Urdu Language is very important because it is the official common language of two important developing and strategically important countries such as India and Pakistan.

Business areas that our graduates can work and be involve

Graduates of our department can work in various positionssuch as in Turkish Republic of Prime Ministry State Archives, in the relevant units of the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in TRT and Newspaper archives, in the Security and Information Agency, in various companies in line with the developing commercial relations with South Asian countries such as Pakistan - India and in airlines as an interpreter.

Admission Requirements to Undergraduate Programs for International Students

International students can apply to postgraduate programs with their graduation marks. If accepted, there are imperative to learn Turkish. Since the education language of our university is Turkish, it is not possible to write a thesis in a foreign language.

Social Media Accounts


Brief Information of our Department

The Department of Korean Language and Literature was founded in September 2016 and began taking students in the same year.

Brief Information Regarding the Scientific Works and Research Activities of our Department

"Our Department aims to introduce Korean Language, Korean Literature and Korean History ext. in our country by organizing various academic and cultural activities.
""1st International Conference on Korean Studies""
""Korean Culture Video Contest for Central Eurasian Region University Students""
Panel on ""100th Year of Turkey and Korea's Struggles for Independence""
""Ancient Korean History Seminar""
""2nd International Conference on Korean Studies""
""1st Presentation Competition about Korean Studies for Central Eurasian University Students""
""Korean Literature Week - Meeting with Korean Writers""

Academic Staff

Prof. Dr. Ali Şükrü ÇORUK (Head of the Department)
Asst. Prof. Eun Kyung JEONG
Lect. Hongyoun CHO
Lect. Youngeun SON
Lect. So Young YANG
Lect. Seungup HWANG

Project/Award etc. Achievements of Academics

*Preparation for Foundation of Korean Studies Hub in Central Eurasia Area
*A Comparative Study on the Idiot Folktales of Korea and Turkey
*Oral Life Story and Migration History of First- Generation Korean Immigrants in Turkey
*Korean Literature Workshop Grants

Information about education objectives, quotas, accreditation status, the prep classifany of the department at the undergraduate level

Our Department aims to introduce Korean Language, Korean Literature and Korean History ext. by examining important researches written in these fields. Our goal is not only to teach these fields, but also to train people who will serve as bridges between the two countries. Our Department accepts students according to YKS Language Score Type. Quota: 20+1. According to 2019 data, the score of the last person is 420, 89275 and the ranking is 9,979. Period of study is 5 years.

How to apply Double Major and Minor Programs?

We have double major and minor programs. Application Requirements: The candidate is expected to take at least 70 in Korean proficiency exam to be held by faculty members of our department, or at least 4 in TOPIK (Korean Proficiency Exam).

Department's Student Club

Information for Korean Language and Culture Club: edebiyat.koredili@istanbul.edu.tr

Graduate Education

There is no graduate program in our department.

Exchange Programs

Mevlana Exchange Programme Aggrements:
South Korea / Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
South Korea / Kangwon National University
South Korea Woosong University
The students registered in formal education programmes at higher education institutions in Turkey (on condition that the higher education institutions signed a bilateral Mevlana Exchange Protocol) may benefit from Mevlana Exchange Programme.
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU Exchange Programme Aggrements)
South Korea Dongguk University 2023 + 5 years
South Korea University of Seoul 2022 + 5 years
South Korea Kangwon National University 2023 + 5years
South Korea Kyungsung University 2020
South Korea Kyungpook National University
South Korea Kyung Hee University 2023 + 5 years
South Korea Yonsei University 2023
South KoreaChungnam National University 2020
South Korea Keimyung University 2020

Features that Distinguishes Our Department from Equivalent Departments

In our department, due to the prep program, our students can find better opportunities to improve themselves in Korean.
Since our students can participate in the exchange programs (Mevlana exchange program and MoU), they can go to Korea and have the opportunity to actively use the Korean language and get to know Korean culture closely.

Business areas that our graduates can work and be involve

Our students who have successfully completed their undergraduate education, the ministry of culture and tourism, the ministry of foreign affairs, Airlines, Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Consulate General of Korea, Professional tourist guidance, Management in travel agencies Hyundai, Samsung, Kia, LG, SK, Posco etc. in Korean companies, will have the opportunity to work.

And also students will have the opportunity to work as an academician. In addition, after the approval of teaching Korean as an elective foreign language in high schools, Korean teacher is needed. Therefore, students can work as a Korean teacher in high school.

Admission Requirements to Undergraduate Programs for International Students

International students are accepted with İÜYÖS. Entrance requirements for undergraduate transfer students are determined by YÖK and İstanbul University.

Admission Requirements to Graduate Programs for International Students

There is no graduate program in our department.

Social Media Accounts

Instagram: i.u._kore

Brief Information of our Department

Helmut Ritter, was a German orientalist who immigrated to Turkey from Germany during World War II, founded the Oriental Institute in 1938 with Ahmet Ateş at Istanbul University. Arab Literature and Persian Literature courses, which were also included in the lecture program on August 15th, 1900 at the Faculty of Literature, also known as Dârülfünun, were given in a single pulpit called Arab-Persian Philology with the contributions of Helmut Ritter since 1938. Starting to operate in two separate podiums since 1963, this department continued its teaching by the lecterns of Arab Philology, Persian Philology and Pakistani Culture until the introduction of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 in 1981. In 1994, this department incorporated Urdu Language and Literature and took its place as the Department of Persian Language and Literature within the Department of Eastern Languages and Literatures.

Brief Information Regarding the Scientific Works and Research Activities of our Department

The Persian language, which is now spoken mainly in Iran, Tajikistan and Afghanistan, has been used as a language of literature and culture in a wide geography for centuries and numerous works have been put forward in every field in this language. The purpose of the department; to teach Persian language, which is heavily mixed with Turkish culture in the historical development process and to train phpsologists who can research, promote and publish the common culture and written resources in this language in scientific procedures.

Academic Staff

Asst. Prof. Dr. KADİR TURGUT

Project/Award etc. Achievements of Academics

1.Prof. Ali Güzelyüz, 2018 , Islamic Republic of Iran, Ardabil Governorship, Order of Culture
2.Prof. Ali Güzelyüz, 2017, Ministry Of Science Research And Technology (Iran), science and arts award
3.Prof. Ali Güzelyüz, 2016, Cultural attache of Islamic Republic of Iran, Persian Translation and Research Award
4.Prof. Ali Güzelyüz, 2015, Rectorate of Tabriz University, International Culture Medal Of Shahriar
5.Prof. Ali Güzelyüz, 2013, Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Istanbul, Translation Appreciation Award for the book “Grammar of love language”
6.Prof. Ali Güzelyüz, 2011, Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Istanbul, Translation Appreciation Award for the book “Love in Messiah's breath”

Information about education objectives, quotas, accreditation status, the prep classifany of the department at the undergraduate level

There is no preparatory class in our Persian Language and Literature Department program. In the 4-year training program, it is aimed to give students reading, writing, understanding and speaking skills starting at the beginner level of Persian. In addition to teaching Persian, research on the classical and modern periods of Persian literature; the review and publication of information about Turkish history and culture in the sources written in this language; It aims to uncover Persian-written manuscripts and translations of ancient Turkish printing resources, comparative language and literature studies, prepare the basic material and comfort of those who work in this field in close disciplines, and promote our language and culture in Persian-speaking countries. Students are accepted to our department with YKS (Language) score. In 2019, our Department received 280,42391 base points and 51,658 success students respectively and the entire quota of 80+2 has been full.

How to apply Double Major and Minor Programs?

In order for the student to apply for the double major program, he / she has succeeded in all the courses he / she has to take in the undergraduate program until the application period. The GPA must be at least 3.00 at the time of application. In order for the student to apply for a undergraduate minor program, he/she must have completed all the courses he/she needs to take until the semester he/she applied, and at the time of application, the gpa must be at least 2.50 in the undergraduate major program.

Department's Student Club

The activities of The Persian and Cultural Community Club are as follows: 1. Poetry and book readings are organized to promote Persian literature and to see its influence on Turkish literature. 2. Film days are held upon the introduction of Iranian cinema. 3. Various celebrations are held on special occasions of Persian and Turkish cultures.4. Persian speech groups are created to improve students' Persian conversations. 5. Exhibitions and conferences are organized to promote and disseminate Persian culture. 6. Excursions are organized for students to develop themselves culturally.7. Publications are prepared to achieve the goal of the club and to speed up information communication. Asst. Prof. Kadir Turgut is the consultant of the club and the unit in which it operates is Istanbul University Faculty of Literature. Mail:iufarkut@gmail.com

Graduate Education

In order to apply for our Master's program, it is necessary to score 65 or higher from the Persian language from yds and equivalent exams. For doctorate program, he/she is a graduate of The Persian Language and Literature; It is necessary to ensure the requirements to have received a score of 75 or above from Persian YDS. Ales score type; EA/SÖZ.

Exchange Programs

Academic grade point average of undergraduate students for the Farabi Exchange Program must be at least 2.0 / 4. Academic grade point average of postgraduate students must be at least 2.5 / 4. AGNO Conditions for Mevlana Exchange Program; 2.5 / 4 for undergraduate students; 3.00 / 4 for postgraduate students. Persian Foreign Language Proficiency level is 50. Students with a Persian foreign language score below the proficiency level must apply to the Persian foreign language exam while applying to the Program. Universities with which we made agreements for Mevlana Exchange Program; Shiraz university , University of Tehran, Allameh Tabataba'i University, University of Guilan. There is no Erasmus program with which our department has an agreement.

Journals (published by Department)

Journal of Oriental Studies is an international refereed journal and is published twice a year by the Department of Oriental Languages and Literatures. The languages of the articles published in this journal are Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Chinese and Korean.

Features that Distinguishes Our Department from Equivalent Departments

Since the 1938 Arab-Persian philology separated from one chair located within 1963 under the name of Eastern Languages ​​and ongoing Istanbul University Literature section of Persian Language and Literature Department, has Turkey's first and most established fame. In this respect, it became a school for Persian Language and Literature programs that were established after it. It still has an important place in terms of providing quality education with its strong teaching staff consisting of Turkish and Iranian teachers.

Business areas that our graduates can work and be involve

While some of the graduates continue their academic life, some may work in the following fields: Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Industry and Trade, General Directorate of Security, TRT, Armed Forces, Information Service, State Archives, Foundation organizations, literary libraries, embassies, consulates, visual and written work in press organizations. If they receive formation training, they can provide Persian education in schools affiliated to the Ministry of National Education.They can also find the opportunity to work as an interpreter and translator in tourism agencies and the private sector, or to collaborate with publishing houses to work as an editor and translator.

Admission Requirements to Undergraduate Programs for International Students

Undergraduate transfer students can apply for undergraduate transfer without the requirement of success from all courses in which they are studying abroad.

Admission Requirements to Graduate Programs for International Students

Candidates who will apply for foreign quota are required to graduate.Foreign languages ​​are not required from applicants for this quota. In the postgraduate programs of our department, the language of thesis writing is accepted only in Turkish. Undergraduate transfer students who have a base score in acceptance of students to the relevant class of the diploma program in the higher education institution can apply for a undergraduate transfer without the requirement for success in all courses.

Social Media Accounts

Facebook: İ.Ü. Fars Dili ve Edebiyatı @istanbulfarsdili
Instagram: İstanbulfarsdili
Twitter: istanbulfarsdili @iufarsdili

Brief Information of our Department

Arabic Language and Literature and Persian Language and Literature courses started to be taught in one department in 1938 after being taught in various programs at the Faculty of Letters until 1938. Then, they have been as two separate departments since 1963.

Brief Information Regarding the Scientific Works and Research Activities

Scientific studies are carried out on modern and classical periods related to Arab countries and their literary and cultural lives in the department.

Academic Staff

Prof.Dr. ABDULLAH KIZILCIK (Head of the department)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. İBRAHİM ŞABAN

Information about education objectives, quotas, accreditation status, the prep classifany of the department at the undergraduate level

"You can choose our program with a foreign language score to be taken in the university exam. The quota was 80 for 2019. The rankings of the students who entered our program last year are as follows:
2018 YKS
Ceiling Point: 480.009
Base Point: 369.810
2019 YKS
Ceiling Point: 517.868
Base Point: 377.994

There is a one-year preparatory education in the Arabic Language and Literature program, which is included in the Department of Eastern Languages and Literatures as a department. Those who pass the exemption exam can start to study from the first year without studying the preparatory class.
The purpose of our program is to teach students Arabic language and literature and to educate students who can introduce Arabic writing works by examining in libraries as well as to train students who can compile and analyze Arabic knowledge related to Turkish culture and history.

How to apply Double Major and Minor Programs?

Our students who have passed the average of 3 out of 4 in our program have the opportunity to study in another department by obtaining a double diploma by doing double major or minor in other programs in the faculty or in another faculty at the university.

Department's Student Club

"Our program has two student clubs. Each club conducts different activities within itself. In this context, magazines that include students' articles are published and different activities are carried out to improve their knowledge and skills in the fields of media, speech and translation. In addition, trips and picnics are organized by the clubs in the country, and students who want to improve their Arabic language are sent to contracted institutions in countries such as Morocco, Tunisia and Jordan.

Social media accounts of student clubs:
Social Media Accounts of “Language & Culture Club”
Facebook : İÜ Arap Dili ve Edebiyatı Dil Kültür Kulübü
Twitter : @iu_dilkultur
Instagram : iu_dilkultur

Social Media Account of Eastern Languages and Literatures Group
Instagram: iudodet

Exchange Programs

Our program has an Erasmus agreement with universities in Poland, Switzerland and France. There are also bilateral agreements with different countries outside of Europe such as Mevlana Program. As part of these agreements, successful students of our department have the opportunity to study a semester in a country which they choose.

Journals (published by Department)

An international journal is published twice a year named as Oriental Journal in the Department of Eastern Languages and Literatures.

Features that Distinguishes Our Department from Equivalent Departments

The main traits that distinguish from other programs in Turkey is that being the first and a rooted program in the Arabic language programs in Turkey, having a strong teaching staff consisting of experienced Turkish and Arab teachers and the bilateral agreements with both in Europe and many other countries in the World.

Business areas that our graduates can work and be involve

The students who graduate from the department have increased job opportunities in the private sector thanks to improved contacts with the Middle-East countries and have facility to work on Arabic manuscripts in our rich libraries and are able to get academic career in the relevant departments of our universities

Admission Requirements to Undergraduate Programs for International Students

Students who are successful in the İÜYÖS exam can study in our department. There is no undergraduate transfer quota for international students in our department.

Admission Requirements to Graduate Programs for International Students

There is no quota for foreign students at the master’s level within the postgraduate programs of our department. The doctoral program includes three general quotas and three undergradute transfer quotas. In order for students to apply for a doctorate program, they must have a master's degree in the field of Arabic Language and Literature and be successful in the interview conducted by the Department.